The Day The Manna Stopped


I’ve often wondered what went through Joshua’s mind as a leader when the manna stopped. The wandering was over. The only remnant would be in a box they would carry into all God had ahead. Yesterday’s manna and Passover meal were still in their bellies when they ate the grain of their inheritance. What a powerful thing. But everyone knew the battles ahead would challenge their very core. I can only imagine the weight Joshua felt knowing he had to lead this people in terrain so foreign to them (so foreign to him). 

Nearing Jericho with no battle plan yet, I wonder if he flashbacked to all that brought him to this moment: his boyhood as a slave, the exodus, the unimaginable miracles, nights in the wilderness, four extra decades because his own people didn’t believe him, and the death of his mentor who faced down Pharaoh and met face to face with God. 

And now Joshua was within distance of all he had seen those 40 years before as a spy, and God chose him to lead the nation, to fulfill His promise. That’s weight. 

So when a man blindsided him with a drawn sword, warrior adrenaline kicked in. Joshua ramps up and confronts, “Whose side are you on?” He demanded the man state his allegiance. But he wasn’t an ordinary man that fit in Joshua’s sphere. The Commander of the Lord’s army flipped the question with one word to seal in Joshua’s mind Who was really in command here. 

In a sense, God, in His kindness, reminded Joshua, “I’m the one who takes full responsibility leading this charge. I’ve already sent a hornet of forces before you. You got incredible responsibility. But though you’ve seen and tasted this land, you’ve never been here before. I alone command these armies. The burden belongs to Me. You just keep your gaze and ear raised to Me. I will lead you. As with Moses, so I am with you. Consecrate yourself, and stay close.”

Joshua wasn’t starting the battle. He was showing up to one already in progress. He was standing on holy ground… because of the presence of the Lord, the magnitude of what He’s up to, and His unrelenting heart for a people. And Joshua fell facedown and worshipped. 

It wasn’t going to be man’s way. What kind of boy dreams of marching in circles & playing trumpets one day to take down a city? But every boy dreams of defeating oppressive enemies, and God was about to do amazing things beyond what a slave boy from Egypt could imagine. God alone got glory. Every victory would be laced with the obvious that God was at the helm.

So with all that in mind, I am praying for all of us…in this battle in progress… in this place we’ve never been… in our generation… with all that’s ahead. I’m praying He would fill you with even greater insight, resolve, and sensitivity you need for this season we’re living in and His heart for you personally. May His Word be deep in us as move ahead and digest it all.

As we stretch, I know He’s drawing attention to our core because it’s going to matter in the heat of battle. Every battle has logistics, but the battle is always more than that. I’m praying we humble ourselves, faithfully waiting on Him when the manna stops, a new season begins, and we see what’s before us. 
Whether our story will be as known as Joshua and Jericho or hidden like Paul’s nephew stopping an ambush in Acts, I’m praying we’d keep moving ahead wherever He takes us. He provided before and will again.  
The nation may run to the “gods” of the past or “gods” of the present, but I’m praying we’d finish our days like Joshua saying, “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” 

And however it shakes out belongs to God alone.     

(reflecting on Joshua 5:9-15, Joshua 24:15-16)

Charla Dixon