
Tuesday has always been a special day to me.


When I decided to create River Lantern in 2018, I knew two things. One, it would be an overflow of moments I already spent dwelling on God’s Word, creating art in that space. Two, I would make the site live on a Tuesday.


For some reason, that particular day has been a meaningful one in my life. From days of serving a college generation on Tuesday nights at A&M to kiddos I saw in Dallas every Tuesday night in Vickery for years, there’s something special to me about that day of the week. In one sense, it’s a pouring out day of what He’s planted but also a reminder of the sheer miracle of the way He works beyond our strength. No one can take credit for Tuesdays. And it always starts with prayer alone and with friends.


Art by nature is both an expression and invitation. So it is with River Lantern. My prayer is that you would step onto the rocks in the middle of stream long enough to take in moments, and let God use “Tuesdays” to open your eyes to what’s been true in every season. These pieces at best are just reminders of what has always been true in Him. His expression is always an invitation to know Him more. Sometimes we just got to get still to know.


What can a pencil teach my heart? Maybe not everything in one moment. But as the drawing continues, I can begin to see a glimpse of the bigger picture coming through. In the meantime, I plan to keep tracing His hand down this river.


your fellow traveler,


"...of which I became a minister according to the stewardship of God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known..." - Colossians 1:25

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Charla Dixon