

While it’s true, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc. 1:9) especially applying to man’s ways at their root, there IS newness in turning of seasons, newness of God’s mercies (Lam. 3:22-24), newness in the ways God creatively weaves events to reveal Himself & His glory in the midst of our dependence on Him (Dan. 2:28-30). He makes new creations all the time. (2 Cor 5:17). He makes dead things come to life (John 5:21). He makes soft things hard (Ezekiel 3:9-11) and hard things soft (Ezekiel 11:19). He makes rivers in deserts (Isaiah 43:19). It is God who brought light in the middle of the dark (Gen 1:3, Psalm 18:28, 2 Cor. 4:6)…and writes the dawn (Job 38:12). He wakes the sleeper (Eph. 5:14). The very fact God still breathes means new is being born today in all He does (John 5:17). He is making all things new (Rev 21:5).

He holds the power of new. Let that sink in.

So in the season of goal-laced fortune cookie writing;), I want something better than crumbling tasteless cookies and rollercoaster Januarys. Something new born out of remembrance. While it’s great to make goals (clarity gives tracks), I want to discern underneath what is at work. His Word or my own ambition. His desires that cultivate grace & truth in my soul bringing stability, traction, relationship, true ministry & hope…or selfish desires that fuel fears that require sacrifices to things that won’t last just to please men & miss the point.

Life is a river. And we all need lanterns in the boat. (Psalm 119:105) So maybe I need to sit a little longer with His Word building the frame before navigating next steps. His Word reveals resolutions in light of eternity not simply a new year.

So it’s good to count the cost, set worthy goals, but know a new year at its root is uncomplicated as a field. It’s simply an invitation to know and walk with Christ in a new day everyday and respond…nothing more, nothing less. He is for you. He is for me. No telling what incredible things are ahead. And even when dark & uncertain days come which knock the wind out of us (which every year has them), keep looking into His eyes in His Word, take a breath, and follow the Sunrise. (Luke 1:78-79)

Charla Dixon