Anything You Ask


“I’ll give you anything you desire. What do you want Me to give you?” can be the one of the most exposing questions you’ll ever be asked. It may be the fastest way to discover what’s in your heart in life as well as ministry. Learn to discern the million dollar questions and how the response begins in worship. 

“That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, ‘Ask for whatever you want Me to give you.” – 2 Chronicles 1:7

“What do you want Me to give you?” What a question from God. Solomon sat in that reality. When the shock wore off, he looked through the question into the heart of the One asking it who knew all things.

In view of how faithful God had been to what He had long promised in His Word, how enduring His love, and all He had access to, what do you ask for? Because when the freedom to ask God for anything comes, that vision if sown deep enough will help guide the response. Solomon asks for wisdom & insight in being a good steward of the role God assigned him. He could have asked for a change of assignment, a 1000 things that could bring himself glory & pleasure & security, even a 1000 other good things, or a wish for more wishes but he did not. He chose to trust God to be God. Growing up in a king’s home didn’t mean he automatically knew how to be king. He knew God put him in this position, and he needed His wisdom.

Solomon’s heart didn’t stay that humble as he got older. Later he chased every natural alternative when he became wise in his own eyes eroding his heart as he turned to other masters. But for now, he was wise to the Lord. His ask was for wisdom to be faithful where God put him and let God take care of the rest. And God lavished on him far more than he could have ever imagined.

So in the night when God asks our desire, what will surface from our longing if we’re honest? Longing isn’t something you get over. It’s something you give over. To the Lord or to other things. Our response to longing will show up in our answer to God’s generous question. Solomon had spent that day in worship. If his heart wasn’t in it, it would have shown up that night when God surprised him with the million dollar question.

In the night, young Solomon knew the answer was trust. In trust, he asked for wisdom to do the next thing. He let God lead. When morning came, God remained faithful. Why did God tell Solomon to ask for anything? Maybe God was looking to see if the heart of David was now in his son because God knew the greatest inheritance starts there. So when God, or your boss offers you to grant you anything, your response can be telling. Use it to grow your heart toward what’s needed.

Charla Dixon